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Museums and Archives
- Museum der Trostfrauen, Berlin, Germany
- Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace, Tokyo, Japan
- House of Sharing Museum, Gwangju, Korea
- War & Women’s Human Rights Museum, Seoul, Korea
- National Women’s Historical Hall in Memory of Their Sexual Slavery for Japanese Soldiers, Busan, Korea
- Heeum Museum of Sexual Slavery under the Japanese Military, Daegu, Korea
- Lila Pilipina, Lolas Center, Quezon City, Philippinen
- AMA Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
- Nanjing Museum of the Site of Lijixiang „Comfort Station“, Nanjing, China
- Chinese Comfort Women History Museum, Shanghai, China
Internet Resources
Books and Articles
- Maria Rose Henson, Comfort Woman: A Filipina’s Story of Prostitution and Slavery under the Japanese Military, 2nd edition, Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017.
- Michiko Nakahara, „Comfort Women“ in Malaysia, Critical Asian Studies, Volume 33, Number 4, 2001, 581–589.
- Yuki Tanaka, Japan’s Comfort Women. Sexual Slavery and Prostitution during World War II and the US Occupation, New York: Routledge, 2002
- Hyunah Yang, Finding the „Map of Memory“: Testimony of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery Survivors, in: positions: east asia cultures critique, Volume 16, Number 1, 2008, 79–107.
- Yoshimi Yoshiaki, Comfort Women: Sexual Slavety in the Japanese Military during World War 11, New York: Columbia University Press, 2000.
If you want to learn more about Sexual Violence by the German Army and SS-Forces during World War II, check out the following:
Museums and Archives that include some information on this subject
Books and Articles
- Doris F. Bergen, Sexual Violence in the Holocaust: Unique or Typical? In: Lessons and Legacies, Volume 7, 2008.
- Brigitte Halbmayr, Sexualized violence against women during Nazi „racial“ persecution, in: Sonja M. Hedgepeth and Rochelle G. Saidel (eds.), Sexual violence against Jewish women during the Holocaust, Lebanon: Univ. Pr. of New England, 2010, 29–44.
- Regina Mühlhäuser: The unquestioned crime: sexual violence by German soldiers during the War of Annihilation in the Soviet Union, 1941–45, in: Raphaelle Branche and Fabrice Virgili (eds.), Rape in wartime, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 34–46.
- Maren Röger, The Sexual Policies and Sexual Realities of the German Occupiers in Poland in the Second World War, in: Contemporary European History, Volume 23, 2014, 1–21.
- Robert Sommer, Robert: Sexual exploitation of women in Nazi concentration camp brothels, in: Sonja M. Hedgepeth and Rochelle G. Saidel (eds.), Sexual violence against Jewish women during the Holocaust, Lebanon: Univ. Pr. of New England, 2010, 45–60.
If you want to learn more or conduct research on sexual violence in armed conflict, including sexual violence by Japanese, German, and Allied troops during World War II, check out the